990 Center Street, Wolfeboro NH - 603.569.5038 EST. 1982
Our Rates
Shop Labor Rate
During business hours - $125/hr
After business hours - $200/hr (per customer request)
(Business Hours - 7:30-4, M-F)
Clean any debris that may have accumulated during storage - $6.25/ft
Clean waterline scum after haul-out - $4/ft
Thorough cleaning of hull and interior including: Wash and chamois deck, hull & transom, clean windshield, clean compartments & cubbyholes, upholstery, thorough vacuum - $19.00/ft (does not include cabins)
Spring Inspection
Reactivate motor, start & run in yard, ensure cooling water flow - No Charge if winterized with us
Mechanical Check - Check the following: fuel level, oil level and condition, transmission fluid level and condition, belts condition/tension, hoses condition, water separator, fuel lines, fuel filter, spark plugs, plug wires, cap/rotor, exhaust hose, battery, bilge pump operation and intake clear, lights, horn, blower, prop, cutlass bearing, flame arrestor, hose clamps, gauges functioning properly - $375
Remove & inspect impeller (inboards only) - $125
Shaft alignment check - $155
(Note that the costs above cover the check only. Any work deemed necessary as a result of these inspections will be a separate chargfe based on time and materials after consulting the owner.)
On site (at our shop) - Includes oil and filter change, drain water from engine, run and fill with non-toxic antifreeze, fog engine, add stabilizer to fuel, disconnect battery and keep charged over winter and springtime activation - $469 (Materials are included in the price)
Off site (at other than our shop) - Includes the same as above - $529 (plus travel time and mileage)
(Note that for both inboard and stern-drive boats this includes 5 qts of oil. Additional oil or special oil will add to the cost)
Enclosed storage building, winter season (< 9 mos.) - $45/ft (requires advanced notice, limited availability)
Hoop tent, winter season (< 9 mos.) - $39/ft
Enclosed storage building, year round - $65/ft (requires advanced notice, limited availability)
Hoop tent, year round - $56/ft
Empty Trailers
Summer - $100/season
Hoist/Soak Service
Hoist fee per-use, loading/unloading - $185 (non-Sawmill Marina members)
Hoist fee for soaking bottom until swelled. Included hoist fee above (non-members), disabling bilge pump, covering boat (to the max extent possible, dependent on mooring cover), draining bilge & reactivating bilge pump once swelled, place back on trailer or deliver to slip in Back Bay - $345 (members) - $615 (non-members)
Trailer Rental Fee
One-time use - $4/mile ($100 minimum)
Winter storage use - $400
Year round storage use - $700
Transport fee - $125/hr + $1.25/mile
Sales Commission
Boat in yard or with owner - 10% of final sale price
Boat in water, in our slip, in our care - 15% of final sale price